
  1. Python Setup and Installation
  2. Introduction to Python Libraries and its Overview
  3. PyCharm IDE Installation
  4. Series and its creation in different ways
  5. Indexing in Series or Accessing Series Elements
  6. Slicing in Series or Subset Accessing in Series
  7. Series Attributes and functionalites
  8. Concept of np.NaN and more about indexing
  9. Head and Tail Functions in Series
  10. Mathematical Functions in Series Objects
  11. DataFrame in Python Pandas and its creation in different ways
  12. DataFrame from CSV and Text File
  13. DataFrame Attributes and other functionalites
  14. Iloc Methods for subset accessing in DataFrame
  15. Loc Methods for subset accessing in DataFrame
  16. Adding Columns to DataFrame
  17. Adding Rows to DataFrame
  18. Deleting Columns from DataFrame
  19. Deleting Rows from DataFrame
  20. Renaming Row and Column Labels in DataFrame

Python Setup and Installation

Python is an open-source high level programming language which is capable enough for development of complex applications, frontend, and backend of websites. These days, python is being used in the emerging trends and technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Internet of Things, etc due to its easy and versatile frameworks for Natural Language Processing and Image Processing. In order to use Python in our system, we have to install Python Interpreter in it so that we can execute the python commands in our computer. We can download Python from the official website of Python.

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