
  1. Python Setup and Installation
  2. Introduction to Python Libraries and its Overview
  3. PyCharm IDE Installation
  4. Series and its creation in different ways
  5. Indexing in Series or Accessing Series Elements
  6. Slicing in Series or Subset Accessing in Series
  7. Series Attributes and functionalites
  8. Concept of np.NaN and more about indexing
  9. Head and Tail Functions in Series
  10. Mathematical Functions in Series Objects
  11. DataFrame in Python Pandas and its creation in different ways
  12. DataFrame from CSV and Text File
  13. DataFrame Attributes and other functionalites
  14. Iloc Methods for subset accessing in DataFrame
  15. Loc Methods for subset accessing in DataFrame
  16. Adding Columns to DataFrame
  17. Adding Rows to DataFrame
  18. Deleting Columns from DataFrame
  19. Deleting Rows from DataFrame
  20. Renaming Row and Column Labels in DataFrame

Introduction to Python Libraries

Python Libraries are basically the collections of various entities and functions which are made to perform specific task easily and efficiently. These functions and functionalites are bundled together to form a Python Library or Framework. They are built in modules which help us to perform advanced operations. They have ready to use pre-defined functions or methods that are used to carry out the desired operation.
In order to use the particular function of the library, we need to import the library and then we can use it easily.

In our syllabus, we have to study two libraries of Python: Pandas and Matplotlib

Pandas: Data Management

Pandas stands for Panel Data.Pandas has the concept of various Data Structures which are used to store the data in various dimensions. Pandas has Series for storing data in 1-D, DataFrame for storing data in 2-D in the form of Table (Collection of Row and Columns) and Panel for storing data in 3-D in the form of multi-dimensional matrix. Pandas is

Steps to install a PYTHON LIBRARY.

> Open Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell
> Type "pip install {library-name}"
> Press Enter

C:\users\system32 > pip install pandas #it will install pandas
package downloaded successfully....

C:\users\system32 > pip install matplotlib
package downloaded successfully....

Data Structures in Pandas

Data Structures are defined as the collection of data/values in a particular fixed structure or pattern in order to arrange it properly for effective storage, fast retreival and manipulation of data.We are going to study two data structures of Python Pandas: Series and DataFrame

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